Ways to work with me

  • Individual Movement Education (1:1)

    I work one on one with individuals to meet them where they are. I support clients in their journey towards dynamic embodiment and optimal movement. Descriptions below.

  • Group Sessions, Classes, and Workshops

    Interested in joining a group practice or class? Want to hold a workshop or series at your organization or with a specific group? I work with groups and facilitate classes, workshops, and retreats. More below and get in touch!

Individual Offerings and Class Descriptions

Individual Movement Education Sessions (1:1)

60 mins

One hour of focused time on your practice. In a private session we develop and build on your personalized movement program. Whether Pilates, Yoga, Restorative, Functional, or Somatic Movement Education (or an interdisciplinary combination of practices), we tailor your program for you and your needs, working holistically towards optimal movement.

I don’t use one specific somatic approach. In an individual session I am coming into the work with curiosity and am flexible/open to follow what may come up. I may create a loom or a map for our work together, but it is important that it acts as a container for us to explore within.

My current 1:1 work is/are informed by my studies in Body-Mind Centering®, Improvisation, Somatic Trauma Therapy, Embodied Anatomy, Developmental Movement, Authentic Movement, and Restorative Practices.

If you are interested in working with me 1:1 specifically for Pilates or Yoga, I can also support you with those modalities.

Single sessions and packages of 5 or 10 available. Online or in-person.

Initial Assessment/Consult (1:1)

90 mins

This is where to begin your movement education experience. The individual assessment acts as a  diagnostic tool for your own personalized movement program. During your assessment we will address your health history, current and previous injuries and/or conditions, current lifestyle, movement experience, and interests. We will address your intentions, expectations, and movement education goals.

We may move through a posture and gait analysis. Simple embodied anatomy exercises and foundational movement concepts and principles will be introduced. Your assessment includes a digital report of our session and basic at-home exercises to enhance your own movement practice. Online or In-person.

(May be restricted to in person depending on concerns)

Bring Your Own Group (BYOG)

Are you interested in creating your own group of family, friends or colleagues to work with me?

We could work online or in person. I can accommodate 4 students in my home studio or have the potential to rent a studio in the community or come to you.

Sessions may vary in length. Contact me for more information.

Group Classes and Workshops

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90 mins (group classes/workshops)

A deeply meditative and therapeutic class involving a series of supported postures. Calming the mind and opening the heart, we use our weight and breath to fully embody each pose. This a slow-paced class focussed on relaxation, softening, and nervous system regulation. Appropriate for all levels. You will need a yoga mat, a chair, 2 yoga blocks, a yoga bolster (or 2-3 pillows), 2 blankets, and a yoga strap. Optional eye pillow.

Online and In person.

Core Flow Pilates

60 min (group class)

In this class you can expect a broad range of mat and vertical exercises. With a concentration on core strength and stability, this class incorporates all the fundamental principles of a Pilates movement system into exciting and flowing sequences. The work encourages and supports strength, mobility, stability, balance, breath, concentration, stamina, and flexibility. You will leave feeling strong, challenged, and energized. This class is level 1/2.

Vinyasa Yoga

90 min (group class)

In this class you can expect a creative take on a Vinyasa Yoga class. A diverse range of poses are integrated and juxtaposed through sun salutations, creating a dynamic, flowing form guided by the breath. The class involves flexibility, strength and balance, while encouraging precise alignment, awareness and concentration. Restorative postures will be introduced at the beginning and end of our practice. You will leave feeling challenged, refreshed, and relaxed. This class is level 1/2. Online and In person.


somatic movement and improvisation practices for grounding and expansion

90-120 min (group classes/workshops)

This class is for letting go, slowing down, and tuning in. It is for listening, sensing, moving, embodying our desires, and unlearning patterns that are no longer useful for us. This class is suggestive and exploratory in nature, includes improvised movement, and is open to all levels/movers.

Through a dynamic and therapeutic integration of guided somatic, mindful, body-centered practices, we will explore breath, sensation/the senses, perception, posture/structure, rest, pleasure, and freedom. We will move though individual, partner, and group exercises as well as floorwork, standing, and moving through space. You are encouraged to engage at your own pace. Material can be adapted for all levels of movers.

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Arriving Movement Practice

60 min (group class/workshop)

This 1 hour practice wakes up the body and prepares us to be present. We will move, listen, and pay attention to the subtle and sensorial body. Highlighting embodied awareness through self-sensing, experiential, suggestive, and improvisational movement practices, the class work is a combination of embodied anatomy, developmental movement, improvisational and somatic movement practices including tone, grounding, breath, vibration, softening. You are encouraged to engage at your own pace. Material can be adapted for all levels of movers.

Wandering/Wondering Together

practicing possibilities and moving through

90-120 min (group classes/workshops)

These classes explore suggestive prompts for tenderness, assembly, and improvisation. We will gather, organize, sense, and move, our bodies, breath, feelings, and thoughts. We will expand our practice to include functional movement motifs/studies/scores of/for rolling, walking, and falling. You are encouraged to engage at your own pace. Material can be adapted for all levels of movers.

Body Geography Series

120 min (group workshops)

This series of somatic movement education workshops explore the geography of the body through a Body-Mind Centering® approach. Each workshop will explore an area of the body through visualization, embodied anatomy, touch, somatization, and gentle movement. There will be individual exploration as well as partner and group inquiry.

Current Offerings:

INNER SEAS Exploring fluid rhythms and pre-vertebrate patterns of early development through experiential anatomy, developmental movement, and improvisation.

BODY-GROUND-SPACE-SKY Exploring orientation to gravity, equilibrium, balance, and primitive reflexes through experiential anatomy, developmental movement, and improvisation.

MOVE YOUR BONES Moving, dancing, and feeling the bones! Understanding the living and breathing bones of the feet, legs, and pelvis (and all their dynamic relations), through embodied anatomy, developmental movement, and improvisation.

Core Foundations

120 min (group workshops)

Are you new to Pilates/Yoga or returning to your practice after a break? Perhaps you are feeling disorganized or disconnected from your body? Or maybe you are looking for a refresh of some foundational principles? This workshop is for connecting with our deep core cylinder of support! We will delve into embodied anatomy, breath work, posture/structure, core activation, and exercises to wake up your shoulders, spine, pelvis, multifidus, abdominals, and thoracic and pelvic diaphragms. All Levels.

Slow Flow + RESTORE

120 mins plus (group workshop/retreat)

This slow paced asana class will combine gentle breathwork and creative vinyasa flows with a series of extended supported restorative poses. Class will end with a longer rest and a head, neck, shoulders massage. You will leave feeling challenged, refreshed, and relaxed. Snacks and refreshments served following class. Please leave extra time for conversation, food, and sharing space following your practice (30min-1 hr). All Levels.